Project outline

Work-package 1

Project management contains all necessary organizational actions a) to ensure high quality in the implementation of the project, b) to secure efficient coordination of the interdisciplinary approach of the project and c) to establish a fully functioning novel knowledge platform with the highest post-project potential.

Work-package 2

Marketing, Dissemination and Exploitation are designed in order to maximize the project visibility (early stage project marketing), to assure user involvement in the product/service development and to secure the exploitation of the project results.

Work-package 3

The first technical stage of the project focuses in the development of the methodology and tools for the creation and maintenance of the multilingual (EL, EN, to start with) lexical & semantic resources. The ontology of NAVMAT system and the definition of classes and subclasses (the NAVMAT taxonomy) are the core business of the Work-package.

Work-package 4

Platform Development and Integration incorporates: a) finalization of the system specifications, b) development of the system architecture, c) evolvement of the architecture to product, d) introduction of previous knowledge as primary content and implementation of the necessary security mechanisms (authorization policy, access control, user management).

Work-package 5

Evaluation aims at ensuring consistent User Experience, is conducted by testing the performance of the system components and the level at which the system satisfies the user needs. Focus Group Usability Testing and test User Satisfaction Measurements are some of the tools to be employed.