Venue: Souda Naval Base
Date and Time: Monday 12 February 2024, 11:00 am
NAVMAT platform, the outcome of an HFRI funded research project of the Hellenic Naval Academy (HNA), was demonstrated to the Hellenic Navy officers and staff, the user group of the application, in an event kindly hosted by the Naval Base in Souda. Members of the research and academic community of Crete, led by the Rector of the Technical University of Crete (TUC), attended the event, within the framework of the HNA – TUC cooperation in the forthcoming joint postgraduate program entitled “Marine Environmental Engineering”.
NAVMAT is a knowledge based system for the management of failure in materials, components and systems, serving maintenance and repair operations, decision making and education in a fleet environment and beyond. It employees artificial intelligence and data handling tools and is expandable to multi-language and multi-sectoral environment. NAVMAT was jointly developed by the Hellenic Naval Academy and the Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications of NCSR Demokritos.
The agenda included presentations of the idea behind the project, the methodology and the tools utilised for the development, as well as a brief on-line demonstration of the system capabilities.
Taking the opportunity, the academic Deans of HNA and TUC shared their vision of the forthcoming cooperation between the two institutions.