D1.2 - Final report

Work package
WP1 - Project Coordination
Dissemination level
Delivery date

The Final Report for the H.F.R.I funded project No 822 provides a full description of NAVMAT, the knowledge based platform for the recording, indexing, comparing, assessing and retrieving upon request every publishable information, history of operations and maintenance, evidence and testimony, for incidents of failure in a Naval environment.

The Report focuses on the technical implementation of the project, discusses the management experience (contractual issues and amendments, risk management actions, interim report recommendations adoption), summarizes the dissemination plan deployment during the project and the post-project business planning strategy, assesses the impact of the project in comparison to the predictions at the project proposal stage and concludes with an outline of the financial resources usage.

The technical implementation of the project is demonstrated following the five developmental components (work packages) that also define the structure of NAVMAT:

The project coordination (WP1), refers to all administrative, technical, and business-focused actions that were performed to ensure the quality, efficiency and effectiveness of collaborations between the project partners and stakeholders;

Marketing, dissemination and exploitation (WP2) refers to the goal to enhance project visibility, dissemination of results, and post-project product-service feasibility;

The lexical and semantic resources component (WP3) refers to the methodology and tools utilised to assure adequate domain (materials, components and system failures) knowledge. Knowledge is represented and shared through an ontology and other structured lexical and semantic resources. Such structured representation, made human knowledge machine-understandable, and easily shared between software components and human experts;

The platform development and integration component (WP4) dealt with the system specifications and architecture design, the use of AI and Machine Learning tools for the system development and the incorporation of previous knowledge (existing studies);

Finally, Evaluation (WP5) component was designed to assessed the performance of individual analysis components and user satisfaction at early and later stage of the NAVMAT system.

The Final Report support material and the access to the Project Deliverables are incorporated to the document via hyperlinks at the appropriate chapter, thus digitizing as much as possible the reporting process.